
Should be Consumed Every Day: Benefits of Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional type of coffee that is made by boiling finely ground coffee beans in a pot with water and sugar. It is a popular beverage in Turkey and is enjoyed by many people around the world.

These amazing health benefits of Turkish coffee are supported by scientific studies and accurate sources. Of course, it is important to be careful not to overconsume while benefiting from the health benefits of Turkish coffee. You can contribute to your health by drinking Turkish coffee in moderation and in a balanced way.

Antioxidant Source

Turkish coffee contains high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the oxidative stress of cells by fighting free radicals in the body and slow down the aging process. This strengthens the immune system and provides protection against diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Supports Heart Health

Many scientific studies show that regular and moderate consumption of Turkish coffee has positive effects on heart health. Turkish coffee regulates blood pressure and keeps cholesterol levels in balance. In this way, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Improves Brain Functions

Turkish coffee is rich in caffeine, which helps the brain work faster and more effectively. While caffeine increases attention and concentration, it also supports memory and learning ability. There are also studies that reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Boosts Metabolism

Thanks to the caffeine it contains, Turkish coffee accelerates metabolism and promotes fat burning. Therefore, consuming Turkish coffee during the weight loss process can help your diet.

Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Some research shows that regular consumption of Turkish coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing insulin resistance. Turkish coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which stabilises blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity.

Facilitates Digestion

Turkish coffee facilitates digestion by increasing bowel movements with the caffeine it contains. It is also useful against digestive problems such as gas and bloating.

Helps Fight Stress and Depression

In addition to caffeine and antioxidants, Turkish coffee contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which help reduce stress hormones in the body. Therefore, when consumed in low doses and carefully, it provides support in combating stress and depression.

Protects Liver Health

Research shows that Turkish coffee protects liver health by helping to reduce fats accumulated in the liver. There are also studies showing that it reduces the risk of liver diseases.

Supports Skin Health

The antioxidant content of Turkish coffee slows down the aging process of the skin, providing a younger and healthier appearance. In addition, caffeine helps prevent skin problems such as acne and inflammation by increasing blood circulation in the skin.

Strengthens Bone Health

Turkish coffee is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus that support bone health. In this way, it maintains bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

History of Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee history begins with the undeniable fact that Turkish brewing is the oldest method of coffee preparation. The Turks have been brewing coffee with water in a special coffee pot since the early 15th century. Throughout history, Turkish coffee has played an important role in global trade and the expansion of coffee cultivation worldwide.

The introduction of coffee beans to Turkey marked the beginning of Turkish coffee history. There are two different stories about how coffee entered Turkish culture, and both seem historically correct. In one version, the Ottoman Governor of Yemen, Özdemir Paşa, discovered coffee as a beverage in his region and introduced it to Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. In the second version, two Syrian men, Hakam from Aleppo and Shams from Damascus, moved to Istanbul, bringing coffee beans to Turkey and opening separate coffee shops.

After the introduction of coffee beans to Turkey, the Sultan’s palace adopted the practice of grinding roasted coffee beans in mortars and boiling the coffee powder with water in a special pot called “cezve.” This new coffee brew became popular in the palace and soon spread to elite mansions and the general public throughout the Ottoman Empire.

Turkish coffee making soon became a profession, with many people opening coffee houses to serve the new drink and other refreshments. The palace and governing authorities employed specialty coffee makers called “kahveci usta” to prepare coffee for guests in ceremonial events.

Coffee houses played an essential role in Turkish coffee history, as they served as the first meeting places to drink coffee and discuss local news, politics, or play games like chess and backgammon. In 1656, the Ottoman Grand Vizier Köprülü issued laws to shut down coffee houses and make coffee drinking illegal, but these laws were abolished after violent public reactions.

Turkish merchants began selling coffee beans abroad in the 1600s, first to Venice and then to England and other European countries. The name “Turkish coffee” comes from the nationality of the coffee traders and the coffee’s preparation method.

Turkish coffee spread to France when Sultan Mehmet IV visited the country in 1657 and presented coffee beans to King Louis XIV. In 1683, during the Battle of Austria, Turkish troops left bags of coffee beans behind, which led to the Austrians discovering the beverage and developing a new blend.

Sugar was introduced to Turkish coffee in the 16th century, and Turkish delight (lokum) was first created in 1776 by Bekir Efendi to offset the coffee’s bitter taste. Today, Turkish delight manufacturing is a major export commodity closely related to Turkish coffee, along with coffee pot making and porcelain cups.

Turkish coffee has a rich history that intertwines with global trade, cultural exchange, and the expansion of coffee cultivation worldwide, making it an essential part of world history.


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